DIG ! A project around the theme of archeology and excavations.
“He who seeks to approach his own buried past must conduct himself like a man digging.”
—Walter Benjamin
Radio Tramontana goes to Rome at the invitation of Anne Le Troter, artist and resident at the Swiss Institute in Rome for 2014/2015.
From the 21st to the 24th, Radio Tramontana will conduct workshops and researches directly in Rome. « Dig » seeks to explore the different understandings and practices of excavations on a scientific level (archeology) and/or on a metaphorical level (metaphorical archeology) ; for example by exploring the catacombs of Rome in search of the occult or by wandering in the sound archives of RadioArteMobile.
The recording of the broadcast starts with an excerpt from the radio piece “On the Roads” by Alvin Curran we got from the RAM/SAM team (radioartemobile.it) for the broadcast (thanks again!!!) In this radio-piece he worked with sounds he recorded on antique roman roads…
Broadcast with: Ashley Cook, Isaac Contreras, Fabien Duperrex, Jonathan Frigeri, Kevin Gotkovsky, Romain Grateau, Ceel Mogami de Haas, Jean-Sébastien Massicotte-Rousseau, Nina Langensand, Coline Mir, Camilla Paolino, Laurent Schmid, Anne le Troter, Galaxïa Wang on an invitation of Anne le Troter.
DIG ! un progetto di esplorazione sonora
“He who seeks to approach his own buried past must conduct himself like a man digging.”
—Walter Benjamin
Radio Tramontana viaggia a Roma su invito di Anne le Trotter, artista e membro dell’istituto svizzero di Roma 2014/2015.
Dal 22 al 24 aprile il collettivo farà un workshop e delle ricerche in loco sul tema dell’esplorazione.
“Dig!” un progetto attorno alle pratiche della ricerca e del dissotterrare, sia in un contesto archeologico come metafora della vita eterna, sia direttamente nei sotterranei occulti della città o negli archivi sonori di RAM radioartemobile (in collaborazione con RAM)