Dal museo MA*GA a Gallarate, Radio Tramontana convertirà primordiali campi di energia cosmica in potenza orgiastica.
In collaborazione con gli artisti dell’esposizione «Voglio Vedere Le Mie Montagne», si amalgamerà una pulsante programmazione di radio art, suddivisa in tre fasi.
Sabato 7.2.2015 durante la prima fase, Radio Tramontana installerà, all’interno del MA*GA, uno studio radio temporaneo. All’esterno del museo, due o tre satelliti comunicheranno con lo studio, inviando segnali radio. Queste informazioni verranno mixate in tempo reale e ri-trasmesse sulla webradio LapTopRadio.org.
Orgon Lunch (pausa pranzo lunga) non è immaginabile senza la tradizione del mangiare in compagnia, questo elemento di unione – che come fare la musica insieme o fare la radio – è in grado di creare un aura energetica.
In queste esperienze collettive, come a Gallarate durante la «contrada del brodo», il fattore determinante è: ospitalità, apertura di spirito e condivisione.
Seguendo le idee di Wilhelm Reich, Orgon Lunch ingloberà i partecipanti e gli ascoltatori in un ambiente palpitante tra la frontiera del mondo digitale e quello fisico.
L’energia generata sarà poca e trascurabile, nessuno atto spettacolare è previsto, ma siamo convinti che la potenza fondamentale la si sprigioni attraverso sottili emanazioni di energia.
Isaac Contreras, Camille Dumond, Jonathan Frigeri, Kevin Gotkovsky, Romain Grateau, Andrea Marioni, Jean-Sébastien Massicot-Rousseau, Coline Mir, Ceel Mogami de Haas, Camilla Paolino, Daphné Roulin, Laurent Schmid, Galaxia Wang
Le altre due fasi del progetto avranno luogo Sabato 28 Febbraio e Domenica 15 Marzo.
Primordial cosmic energy fields will be transformed into orgiastic power by Radio Tramontana in the MA*GA museum in Gallarate. The «Radio Tramontana» web radio, run by the LapTopRadio collective is part of the project “VIAVAI – Contrabbando culturale Svizzera Lombardia», like the exhibition “Voglio Vedere Le Mie Montagne». In collaboration with the artists of the exhibition a pulsating radio-art-program will take place in three phases.
Radio Tramontana will install a temporary studio in the MA*GA and broadcast from there during the opening on Saturday 7.2. 2015. At the same time two or three satellites prowling in and around the museum will participate and realise the common program in real time with the group in the studio.
Orgon Lunch (pausa pranzo lunga) is not imaginable without the tradition of the common meal, the joining element that – like playing music together or making radio – is able to create an energetic aura. In Gallarate we refer explicitly to the «contrada del brodo». In these collectively experienced and partially remotely lived moments, the determining factor of a common meal will be: hospitality, openness and the sharing.
«Orgon Lunch» will, corresponding to Wilhelm Reich’s ideas, move in a circular and pulsating way in the digital and physical realm around the participants and listeners.
The outgoing energy will be low and negligible, there is no spectacle planned, but we are convinced that important potential is only possible through subtle emanating energy.
During the exhibition two additional projects will follow on Saturday 28.2. and Sunday 15.3.
Broadcast and performance on Feb. 7th from 7:30 pm on.
Isaac Contreras, Camille Dumond, Jonathan Frigeri, Kevin Gotkovsky, Romain Grateau, Andrea Marioni, Jean-Sébastien Massicot-Rousseau, Coline Mir, Ceel Mogami de Haas, Camilla Paolino, Daphné Roulin, Laurent Schmid, Galaxia Wang
Primordial kosmische Energiefelder werden von Radio Tramontana im MA*GA, Gallarate in orgiastische Potenz umgewandelt. Das vom kollektiv LapTopRadio betriebene Webradio “Radio Tramontana”, wie die gesamte Ausstellung “Voglio Vedere Le Mie Montagne”, ist ein Projekt im Rahmen von “VIAVAI – Contrabbando culturale Svizzera Lombardia”. In Zusammenarbeit mit an der Ausstellung teilnehmenden Künstlerinnen und Künstler wird ein pulsierendes Radio-art-Programm in drei Phasen stattfinden.
Am Tag der Eröffnung der Ausstellung wird Radio Tramontana ein temporäres Studio im MA*GA aufbauen und von dort aus senden, gleichzeitig werden um das Museum nomadisierende Satelliten an der Sendung teilnehmen und diese gleichzeitig zusammen realisieren.
Orgon Lunch (pausa pranzo lunga) ist nicht denkbar ohne die Tradition des gemeinsamen Mahls, dem verbindenden Elements, das genauso wie auch das gemeinsame musizieren oder eben Radio machen, eine energetische Aura zu bilden imstande ist. In Gallarate beziehen wir uns explizit auf die «contrada del brodo». In diesen kollektiv erlebten und gleichzeitig an verschiedenen Orten teilnehmenden Akteuren zusammen gemachten Sendungsmomente werden die bestimmenden Elemente des gemensamen Essens gelebt: Gastfreundschaft, Offenheit, das Teilen.
“Orgon Lunch” wird sich, ganz nach Wilhelm Reichs Ideen, zirkulär und pulsierend im physikalischen und im digitalen Raum spiralförmig um die Teilnehmer und die Hörer bewegen. Die Ausgehende Energie wird schwach und vernachlässigbar sein, es ist kein Spektakel geplant, aber nur mit feiner ausgehender Energie kann wichtiges Potenzial geschaffen werden.
Während der Ausstellung werden zwei weitere Radio-Projekte am 28.2. und am 15.3. folgen.
Sendung und Performance am 7. Feb. 2015 ab 19:30
Isaac Contreras, Camille Dumond, Jonathan Frigeri, Kevin Gotkovsky, Romain Grateau, Andrea Marioni, Jean-Sébastien Massicot-Rousseau, Coline Mir, Ceel Mogami de Haas, Camilla Paolino, Daphné Roulin, Laurent Schmid, Galaxia Wang
• Jingle: Radio Tramontana
• Intro: Tafelmusik (brought to us by Zonoff)
• Risotto recipe in dialect – 4’21 (Intervista con Re Risotto – interview Camilla Paolino & Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau) Re Risotto declaims the recipe of his famous Risotto in Italian dialect from Gallarate. Truly folkloric.
• Aurora – 2’22 (The Hidden World to W. B. YEATS – Galaxia-Hongwei Wang)
• Guinness Record – 1’04 (Intervista con Re Risotto – interview Camilla Paolino & Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau) Re Risotto speaks about the two Guinness Records Gallarate won for the biggest pan for risotto in the Multiverse!
•Spoetry – 1’15 (Ceel Mogami de Haas)
• Insect holes 2’56 (The Hidden World to W. B. YEATS – Galaxia-Hongwei Wang)
• Swiss passing by Gallarate – 35′ Re Risotto speaks about the key role played by the city in commercial trades, when people from Switzerland would pass by Gallarate and find a warm welcome there. / Conspiracy Theory – 13” Re Risotto asks us to stop recording for a while: he has a secret theory to reveal… / Building the big pan 3’14 Re Risotto explains us how the big pan was built (Intervista con Re Risotto – interview Camilla Paolino & Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau)
• Mountain Elfe – 2’38 (The Hidden World to W. B. YEATS – Galaxia-Hongwei Wang)
• Speaking of Recipe – 1’29 Re Risotto speaks about the preparation of the risotto (to be reconnected with the declamation of the original recipe in dialect), giving a very detailed description of the cooking process that allows the listener to imagine the final tasty result / Imitating Priest – 28” Re Risotto speaks about the story of its beard, which is actually the result of a bet. During the narration, he also refers to a priest met at a ceremony in the church and he reenacts the discussion they had around the subject / 2 ideas 2 ideas – 23” A curious meeting with Gio Ponti signed Re Risotto’s life (Intervista con Re Risotto – interview Camilla Paolino & Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau)
• Music Box in the Sky – 3’01” (The Hide World to W. B. YEATS – Galaxia-Hongwei Wang)
• Poem for Camilla’s Mother – 1’1” Re Risotto recites a poem and he decides to dedicate it to Camilla’s mother / Another Poem – 1 ’24 Re Risotto recites another poem about strawberries (Intervista con Re Risotto – interview Camilla Paolino & Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau)
• Emozioni 1 – 2’12” (Camille Dumond)
• Learning by Speaking – 40’ This intervention is based on Hair Salons as a space of exchange, transmission,
discussion. Two hairdressers will perform their work on my head in the exhibition space. In the same time will be broadcasted a brief portrait of Gianni Sparacia, a Hairdresser from Gallarate who has been part of many events of the late Italian History through his job. At the end of the hair cut, Una Szeemann tells me about the exhibition of Harald Szeemann Grossvater, ein Pionier wie wir, an exhibition I know nothing about. (Andrea Marioni & Una Szeemann)
• before during and after this: Intestinal sounds – approx. 10′ The inner voices rumbling, grumbling and calling, trying to communicate with outer body space. (Laurent Schmid)
• Ricette mangiate, 2’40” Mangiando le parole si elevano i corpi alla superficie del linguaggio, mettendo a rischio il linguaggio stesso per un ingordia vorace.
(Jonathan Frigeri)
• On the road again, again – approx. 8’ Using Google Maps as a tool to visit Gallarate’s neighborhood, a comfortable gesture. Road trip in suburbs and shopping areas. We were on the road again, again, looking for failure? Ne. A Wenders impulse to stimulate this intense and too electric optimistic quest. Sharing car spaces, Superstore daily life… our own Coffee and Cigarettes, between a compilation of jokes and a research for meanings, a quite documentary approach. Hanging out in underground bowling and video games bar to meet authenticity. Watching muted italian tv as a protocol, scrolling the tuning button of our radio car as a lazy technique to walk through universes. Cut power. (Kevin Gotkovsky, Romain Grateau, Coline Mir)
• in between: Live intervention ( by Romain Grateau and Camilla Paolino)
• A journey with actors of Gallarate’s administrative and cultural society. Somehow the discussions lead the interviewees into dark, ritual, and conspiracy theory discourses. Cimitero (Cemetery): Luigi talking about Risotto and Masons – 1’15” Luigi speaks about Re Risotto, suggesting to look for him at Proloco and revealing us that the king also writes poems. Then he suddenly introduces the Masons topic for the first time, leaving us a little bit confused about the link between Masons and risotto. He gives away that Gallarate is full of secrets and conspiracies. / Mason’s stuff – 21” Luigi keeps talking about the relation between the city and the Masons, looking for signs within the cemetery itself / Masons again – 55” The point of interest shifts to MA*GA and its (supposed) Masonic origins. We start considering together the symbolism of MA*GA’s architectural structure, finding correspondences in shapes and numbers / Maga Octopus – 1’02” The plot thickens: the MA*GA octopus seems to be a clear evidence of the museum’s undeniable implication with Masons and Mafia. (interview Camilla Paolino & Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau)
• Collezione Permanente – 3’36’’ (Daphné Roulin)
• Spa (m) – 9’05” (Ceel Mogami de Haas)
• Magic Exile by the Finger Monkeys – 2’ (The Hidden World to W. B. YEATS – Galaxia-Hongwei Wang)
• La situazione e la citazione, 5’ La situazione e la citazione is a monologue on migration, economy, material constraints and artistic practice after the post studio. Sampling digital means and reproducing printed text via an avatar voice and a mobile sound device, the piece re-enacts a published essay on Povera as a conversation in situ. (Isaac Contreras)
• Masons in cemetery – 1’14” Luigi gives us a few pieces of information and details about the architectural structure of a certain chapel of the cemetery. The three powers (church – masons – military) converge. / Via delle Botteghe Oscure – 1’19” Apparently, Masons’s inferences in politics are deeper and more dangerous than we thought: confidential conjectures on famous and mysterious historical events occurred in Italy time ago… / La Clavicola di Salomone – 55” Finally an appreciated advice for edifying readings: La Clavicola di Salomone, a book that if you read it, you might see the devil. (interview Camilla Paolino & Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau)
Radio Tramontana é una struttura nomade, auto-organizzata e sperimentale che trasmette sporadicamente su internet.LapTopRadio | Work.Master | HEAD–Geneva